Alisa’s Birthday in Kenya

The school that Alisa has been teaching at threw her a prolonged birthday bash today with multiple renditions of happy birthday, poems, prayers for another good year, as well as sprinkling her head with water that will bless her for another year.

She received a beaded masaai belt from Emanuel’s wife and a bracelet that looks like the Kenyan flag from the children at the school. She had chicken for lunch that was specifically slaughtered for her, as per her request, because they had been eating so much beef. They threw it together with rice and peas, so they really knew how to put together an Alisa-approved meal.

Everyone loved her guacamole from last night, which she said was missing cumin, but Emanuel was going to get her some for tonight’s batch. She’s not sure if her chicken was all used up for lunch or what was being prepared for tonight. She said they were using pita-like bread to dip into the guacamole.

She talked about how today she was introduced to the children with down syndrome at Emanuel’s school and how sweet they were to her. Usually kids afflicted by the disease in Kenya are kept hidden away from society but Emanuel was able to convince their parents to send them to his school. Not only does that not isolate the children, but teaches the other kids how to be nice to people that are different than them. You can hear in Alisa’s voice how much she is enjoying working with the children. I think they are the ones keeping her from getting homesick. She took lots of pictures and videos of them today, and I suggested that she give one of the kids her Flip tomorrow to see what they’re able to record.

Alisa was watching Emanuel’s cows tonight, who were trying to escape, but you can still call or txt her at: +254 735630172

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